Manufacturing and/or Distribution Business Leaders Use SAP Business One to Provide Accurate Product Tracking Reports to the FDA
With the right business management software, like SAP Business One, leaders of small and midsize manufacturing and/or distribution companies no longer need to worry about preparing product tracking reports to the FDA. SAP’s all-in-one system of integrated accounting, inventory and warehouse management, customer relationship management (CRM), material requirements planning (MRP), and light manufacturing for growing small and midsize businesses makes it easy for you to track, control, and manage your inventory — in real time.
Supplement Manufacturing and/or Distribution Companies Prepare for FDA Audits
As a result of the New York Times publishing an article entitled, New York Attorney General Targets Supplements at Major Retailers, a 61-page class-action lawsuit has officially been filed against GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart for selling mislabeled and (allegedly) dangerous herbal supplements to consumers.
The lawsuit asserts that the FDA does not currently regulate the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of herbal and dietary supplements. Contrary to the declaration that the quality and safety of dietary supplements had been exempt from strict regulatory oversight, the FDA does regulate the supplements industry. the oversight is performed through means including Good Manufacturing Practices audits, Dietary Supplement And Health Education Act (DSHEA), Adverse Events Reports notifications, New Dietary Ingredient filings, structure/function claims, and more.
Medical Device Manufacturing and/or Distribution Companies Prepare for FDA Audits
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for reviewing and recalling food, drugs, and cosmetics, they are also responsible for protecting the public from unsafe medical devices.
As you may know, when the FDA discovers a medical device that presents a danger to the public, they issue a recall. As soon as a recall occurs, the FDA will work with the manufacturer to ensure that the defective device is taken off the market. In the event of a recall, the FDA will mandate the removal of the items from the shelves of the wholesale distributors, retail stores or even from the patients’ homes.
Congress, the FDA, and the Government Accountability Office are reviewing the process by which medical devices attain approval and are currently considering many new regulations. If you’d like to keep better track of your products and provide the FDA with accurate inventory reports, now is the time to see the business management software, SAP Business One.
Leaders of Medical Device Manufacturing, Supplement Manufacturing, and Wholesale Distribution Businesses Trust Cornerstone for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Analytics
If you would like to see SAP Business One’s Inventory Tracking and Control, and are considering a new ERP system for your manufacturing our wholesale distribution company, call 727 683-8346 or 813-321-1300 (cell) to speak with a Cornerstone Consulting SAP Business One Specialist now.