Is Now the Right Time for a New ERP System?
Are you thinking about purchasing a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent Enterprise Solution study by Mint Jutras, leaders from growing small and midsize enterprises (SME) are motivated to move forward with the purchase of a new ERP system by these main reasons:
1. The current business management software system does not have the necessary functionality to support their business needs
2. The software and technology is outdated, inefficient and ineffective
3. The applications lack the flexibility for expansion and consolidation capabilities
4. The software programs and technology solutions are not substantially improving productivity
5. The enterprise software is not dramatically improving efficiency through out the entire organization
Check out the: Top 5 Ways to Tell It’s Time for Better ERP
Imagine how Successful Your Business Could be With the Right Software and Technology Providers
Why are so many leaders of growing small and midsize business enterprises (SMB / SME) relying on Cornerstone Consulting for implementing (set up, data migration, installation, integration, customization) a new ERP system? Because with the right software and technology, we can transform your enterprise (based upon Best Practices) for the better in ways you may have never previously thought possible.
Need Help Determining if a SAP Software Would be a Good Fit for Your Company?
If you’re considering new ERP, connect with Certified a SAP Business One Consultant now by calling 813-321-1300. Cornerstone has been implementing ERP software solutions for manufacturers and distributors for more than 15 years, and will gladly answer any question you may have.